Container and cold storage technology
- Industrialisation if container optimisation solutions
- Variations of temperature regimes for cold-sterilisation markets
- Sea freight optimisation
Integrated packaging solutions
- Development of harvesting and extended storage protocols for late season Lamb Hass and Reed avocado fruit
- Upgrading of the Maluma avocado cultivar export protocol
Postharvest disease and insect control, including phytosanitary compliance
- Detection of FCM with automatic sorting units
- Volatile emissions due to FCM
- GRAS fumigants for phytosanitary pests
- Citrus irradiation
- Improved essential oil application through nanotechnology
- Singular and combined effects of postharvest treatments on CBS infections on citrus fruit
- Bacillus lipopeptides for biocontrol of postharvest disease
- Detection and quantification of Botrytis cinerea in pear fruit
- The prevalence of Botrytis spp. in and on plums: a preliminary investigation using molecular technology
- Table grape loss reduction technology
- Phosphonates for controlling basal rot of onion
- Postharvest fungus profiling for pomegranates fruit sector
- CATTS as a postharvest treatment for fynbos flowers and associated phytosanitary pests
Postharvest physiology (non-destructive technologies for fruit quality assessment)
- Non-destructive prediction of citrus rind quality
- Postharvest rind pitting of citrus
- Cold sterilization of new mandarin citrus fruit
- A study of broken stones in Japanese plums
- Ethyl formate fumigation
- Identification of factors involved and control of astringency in pears
- Protea carbohydrate
- Phyto-selective nettings to improve postharvest fruit quality of cv. Hass avocados
- Colour change problem in Hass avocado
Resource efficiency and sustainability
Technology transfer
- CRI Postharvest Technical Forum Extension
- Development of a post-harvest digital quality management platform in the form of mobile phone and desktop applications (Apps) to assist technology transfer for fruit
Temperature and humidity control