Postharvest fungus profiling for pomegranate fruit sector

LEAD INSTITUTION:  Stellenbosch University
BENEFICIARY:  Pomegranate

The envisaged impact of the outcome of this project on the pomegranate industry is listed below:

  1. The project will provide reliable and scientifically based information to growers, exporters and market access activities to enable: proper identification of relevant fungal problems, early warning and timeous treatment of potential post-harvest fungal problems in the pomegranate industry in SA. This implies that enabling implementation of informed management decisions can prevent significant financial losses that currently occur.
  2. The project will enable selecting of reliable chemical remedies and enhance the potential registration/label extension for identified fungal disease problems in order to successfully manage post-harvest losses. This will support compliance with international quality standards and required GAPs.
  3. The project information will be utilised to compile a PIP (Phytosanitary Information package) for industry, which is based on scientifically, founded data and will be used to initiate market access to new markets as well as maintain access to existing markets.
  4. Development of industry knowledge through the training of postgraduate student will create capacity and momentum within the industry R&D program and creates a platform for further research projects.
  5. The project will strengthen research collaboration between the pomegranate industry and academic institutions as well as international research entities.

Research publications from this project will create a global awareness for the SA pomegranate industry.