CONTACT DETAILS: +27 72 670 8413 /
LEAD INSTITUTION: University of KwaZulu-Natal
BENEFICIARY: Citrus industry
The overall aim of the study is to develop non-destructive methods to predict the quality of citrus fruit. To achieve this aim, the study will consist of the following specific objectives:
- Validate and test robustness of Vis/NIRS PCA and PLS models developed for ‘Nules Clementine’ mandarin fruit to predict rind quality of ‘Benny Valencia’ oranges and ‘ Marsh’ grapefruit.
- Investigate robustness of Vis/NIRS PCA and PLS models developed for Western Cape Province to predict rind quality of citrus fruit harvested from other citrus growing regions of South Africa.
- Investigate the feasibility of hyperspectral spectroscopy to characterise rind quality and structural changes associated with chilling injury, rind breakdown and rind pitting disorders.