CRI Postharvest Technical Forum Extension

CONTACT DETAILS:  +27 83 325 8379 /
LEAD INSTITUTION:  Citrus Research International

The objective of this project is to ensure that all relevant individuals involved in the postharvest value chain are, prior to the start of the picking and packing season, fully informed of postharvest phytosanitary requirements and protocols, latest research findings and recommendations on pathological and physiological fruit quality related issues, packaging research, packaging material minimum specifications, palletisation protocols, time and temperature protocols, logistics, handling & cold chain management BOP’s/SOP’s. This will be addressed by means of the six annual pre-season CRI Postharvest Workshops during end January and beginning February in the main production regions in the country, i.e. two in Limpopo, one each in Mpumalanga, KZN & Swaziland, Eastern Cape and Western Cape.

This project will empower each individual and role player involved in the postharvest value chain to fully understand the requirements associated with phytosanitary issues, export regulations, as well as sound postharvest management practices in order to land a perishable product like citrus in the best condition in the export markets. This will not only minimise losses to the citrus industry and individual growers, but enable long term sustainable, competitive marketing, ensure job security and creation of wealth.